The Inclusive work in ecuatorian companies
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Throughout the years we have seen the problem of inequality in different areas and even more when we refer to labor, since it is a problem that brings consequences that affect both families and I the whole country, since unemployment decreases the country’s economy. People with special abilities, women and young people are the most affected by inequality, but thanks to the fact that over the years, the country has implemented a series of actions for the benefit of these people so that they can get a decent and fair job according to their skills and abilities. With this application of laws for companies, inclusion has clearly become a right for all people. The objective of the article is to know the progress of inclusion over the last few years and how it has been strengthening in ecuadorian companies, which is of utmost importance because with this progress the percentage of unemployment decreases. The present work of qualitative approach, based on the bibliographic review, with the search of scientific articles of different authors and Ecuadorian regulations in force, through the digital bases of the Catholic University of Cuenca, a good research was achieved.
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