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Worldwide it may say the practices of the Popular and Solidarity Economy date back to the 19th century, through the
development of the cooperative system. The origins in Ecuador go back before the Spanish conquest, when forms of production
typical of agrarian communities that sought community benefit and under the philosophy of Suma Kawsay predominated. The
2008 constitution formalized the Solidarity Economy system in Ecuador since then and until 2019 there was an evolution, a
substantial advance, legal, institutional scaffolding and development of national plans. The present study proposes through a
documentary review, to inquire about the evolution of this system in Ecuador, as well as to identify the impact reflected in the
Ecuadorian economy, through the historical review of indicators such as GDP, Debt, CPI, Rate unemployment, and others.
As a result, the positive trend of the development of the popular and solidarity since the implementation of the national plans
can be seen, but in the face of the global pandemic Covid 19, a high deterioration of conditions is revealed, presenting low
growth rates, as well as a decline in its GDP and an increase in unemployment in this sense, recommendations are raised on
retaking the genesis of the popular and solidarity economy that should hover over current economic policies; This study is a
single glance and aims to be the beginning of future research and theoretical contributions on the subject.
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