About the Journal
Management Decision
Management Decision, is a multidisciplinary journal of an academic-scientific type, of the Academic Unit of Administration of the Catholic University of Cuenca, whose vision is to become a peer-reviewed and indexed journal, whose periodicity will be four months, becoming the means of disseminating results of research, through original contributions with theoretical and empirical contributions, made by teachers and students from national and international educational institutions, professionals from the public and private sectors, and all those interested in publishing their studies in areas of accounting and auditing, administration, marketing and market intelligence, economics, development as well as in related areas in the administrative and social sciences, always from a managerial approach.
The objective of the magazine is to relate teaching with research and with the link with society, through manuscripts derived from research projects or independent investigations, contributing to the development and improvement of the business fabric and society in general.
Published research papers will be unpublished. The journal reserves the right to check it with its anti-plagiarism system.
CONTACTS: decisiongerencial@ucacue.edu.ec
- PhD. Enrique Pozo Cabrera.
- PhD. Vanessa Bermeo Pazmiño.
- PhD. Pedro Martinez Suárez.
- MBA. Diego Cisneros Quintanilla.
- Mgs. Daniel Andrade Pesántez
- MGS. Priscila Muñoz Castro - Administración de Empresas
- MGS. Yolanda Jaramillo Calle - Contabilidad y Auditoría
- MBA. Diego Orellana Bueno - Marketing e Inteligencia de Mercados
- MGS. Christian Banegas Campoverde - Economía
- PhD. Diego Cordero Guzmán
- MCF. Janice Ordóñez Parra
- PhD. Kléber Luna Altamirano
- PhD. Yonimiler Castillo Ortega
- MGT. William Sarmiento Espinoza
- Phd. Daniele Covri Rivera
The writings must be uploaded to the OJS platform of the journal, they must be sent in Word format, written in Spanish, in the third person and in the present tense, in a single column, with 1.15 line spacing, with double space in a separate point, with margins of 2.5 to each margin, arial font, size 12, justified, without indentation, the APA seventh edition writing standards will be used.
Contributions must have a minimum length of 5 pages and a maximum of 20 pages. Essays must have a minimum of 30 bibliographic references. The graphics, illustrations, drawings, photographs will be considered as Figures, they will be presented in jpg formats with the highest possible resolution, these must be original, that is, created by the authors. The tables should not have lines to separate the columns. Figures and tables must be numbered in Arabic numerals in order of appearance, with a title that, based on its content, must mention the source of information at the bottom of the table and figure. The equations must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and placed on the right side of the text within parentheses.
The writings must be ordered in the following way: Title in Spanish, title in English, data of the authors, abstract and keywords in Spanish; abstract and keywords in English; introduction, state of the art or theoretical framework, methodology, results, conclusions, bibliographical references.
Title in Spanish: It must account for an object of investigation and not the objective, therefore, it must not begin with a verb, the extension must not exceed twelve words, make reference to the content of the work, without abbreviations, parentheses, formulas, or unknown characters, it will be presented in arial font, size 16 with bold. If the writing is the result of an approved research project, it must go with the number 1 as an index, to later place only a footnote on the first page, together with the data of the authors.
Title in English: The title in Spanish will be translated into English, and will be presented in Arial font, size 14 with bold.
Data of the authors: Names and surnames of the authors, the order of appearance according to their criteria or percentage of participation, if the surnames go together they will be joined with a hyphen (eg Abad-Andrade). Next, the following information will be indicated: Academic title, affiliation of the institution to which it belongs, country, position held, email, ORCID code. It must be numbered with an index, after the index of the title, on the first page as a footnote. Papers with more than four authors will not be accepted.
Summary: Its length should not exceed 250 words, in a single paragraph, with single line spacing, all information should come from the text of the article, abbreviations, initials, acronyms, signs, formulas, codes, symbols, or references should not be included. bibliographical It must explain the problem of the investigation, the objective, methodology, the most relevant results, and a summary of the conclusions of the work.
Keywords: Describe 3 to 6 keywords or significant descriptors, they can be compound words, they should not be: acronyms, acronyms, symbols or formulas. They conceptualize the main topics discussed in the article. They must facilitate the consultation of the work in the databases, therefore, the adequate selection is important, it must appear in alphabetical order.
Abstract (summary in Spanish); Keywords (keywords): It refers to the abstract and the keywords translated into the English language.
Introduction: Justification of the theme, considering the problem or the reality under study. Objective of the investigation, the methodology must be clearly exposed and contribute to obtain results that account for reality, it must be supported with theoretical constructs that support the work, even when the work is theoretical. As a closure, the content items of the contribution should be specified, the results and conclusions of the investigation should not be specified.
State of the art or theoretical framework: Structure of the theoretical and empirical foundation that supports the writing. What the author considers should be should not be considered as a theoretical reference.
Methodology: The research design is described and it is explained how the work was carried out, describing: type of research, approach, research method or methods, techniques used, hypothesis, population, sample and collection instruments (if applicable). Adequacy of the statistical analysis used (if applicable). It must be supported theoretically.
Results: Formulation of assumptions and verifications, adequacy of the analysis and interpretation of the findings. Adjustment between results and the objective of the investigation, it must be presented in a logical sequence.
Conclusions: They should not constitute a repetition of the results, they should be a reflective reworking of the results with a high level of abstraction, it is different from a final reflection, avoid citations. The results are examined and interpreted and the conclusions derived from these results are drawn with the respective arguments that support them.
Bibliographical references: Citations and bibliographical references must be fully subject to the APA Writing Standards, seventh edition. You should limit yourself to sources cited in the work and avoid references to unpublished works. Citations and bibliographical references must coincide. You must have references from periodic scientific publications. Present in alphabetical order.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make the modifications it deems necessary. Attachments to articles are not accepted. The works will not be returned to the author, only in the event that they are rejected in their entirety by the journal.
Below you can download the format in word for the presentation of articles: